Welcome to ND UK

We are neurodivergentnon-binaryplural, and with a long history of adverse childhood experiences. Yay 👏

We Encourage, Enable, and Empower! people like us enjoy the present. Get in touch. WhatsApp Button Small

Visit our partner site on Medical Gaslighting and the Health Ombudsman in Waltham Forest

How to work with Trauma survivors

We looked at how double empathy can affect the ability to help survivors, especially young people and we provided some pointers.

Handling “unexpected” panic attacks?

Panic attacks: I always expect one, yet, they are always unexpected! Here's some tips.

Dealing with shadow work, healing trauma, and the emotional lash outs

Balance between physical and non-physical realities supply body, mind, heart, and soul with the nurture and nourishment I need to heal trauma, and occasionally even thrive.

Dealing with emotions

There is a lot of talk from professionals 👩🏽‍⚕️ how it is important to regulate emotions. It is not just semantic to say that we can only "manage" them 👩🏼‍💼.

Anger – quick daily fix with music

I am going to share a music self-therapy 🎶 quickfix tip for the day-to-day angry feeling we may get when someone jumps the queue, or is rude, or insensitive 😡