Welcome to ND UK

We are neurodivergentnon-binaryplural, and with a long history of adverse childhood experiences. Yay 👏

We Encourage, Enable, and Empower! people like us enjoy the present. Get in touch. WhatsApp Button Small

Visit our partner site on Medical Gaslightingand the Health Ombudsman in Waltham Forest

Trying to find words to explain dissociative disorders!

What Is dissociative Identity disorder? is one of the most common questions that we are asked on the subject. So, here is another attempt to answer in a meaningful and intelligible way. Hopefully we managed, let us know!

Functional Multiplicity Peer Support Group, Saturdays 19:00 GMT

Our Functional Multiplicity Peer Support Group, meeting Saturdays at 19:00 GMT, has three openings. It's designed for those with secondary dissociation and embraces all gender identities. We focus on weekly topics such as managing internal conflict and navigating daily life with dissociation.

ND UK’s Adhere To The NSUS Peer Support Charter

Principles & Values of Peer Support We are a proud user-led group member of the National Survivor User Network and encorage everyone to become individual members. See the Peer Support Charter: Our focus Our specific focus is in supporting individuals’ journeys to improve their quality of life while validating their struggles and identity with empathy […]

Being A Plural: Experience Of A Child Alter

This post shares the experiences of a child alter and it is explanatory and analytical and shows how sys members who are supported can slowly heal.

Dissociation – A child host’s experience

There are some issues, especially in terms of continuity. However, I think that we are learning to use “dissociation” in many adaptive ways.

Experiences: Shadow work the autistic way

Our “pruning” problems give us the capacity to branch out concepts and ideas into full analyses of options and potential problem/solutions combination.

Experiences: ND Mental Health Controversies

I found that we are quite often not allowed to choose/request/accept the services we need and want; instead, we have to take what we are given and be grateful.

Assessing our evolution (Feb 2024)

Since discovering being plural, how has our system evolved along the way? Self-analysis and brutal honesty are always essential to progress. A bitter truth is better than a sweet lie!

Introducing Our Inner Family

Are you a plural? According to Internal Family Systems (a proven psychotherapy approach used to treat PTSD and a range of other severe dissociative disorders) everybody is a plural, so there is nothing to be concerned about! Once we combine that with the Theory of Structural Dissociation it is quite intuitive to see how distinct […]

Welcome to Neurodivergent UK

Peer support is based on shared experiences and provides a space for individuals to connect and support each other. See how we can help you!

How to work with Trauma survivors

We looked at how double empathy can affect the ability to help survivors, especially young people and we provided some pointers.

Discussing trauma in therapy

How do you avoid skimming the surface of every traumatic event in therapy? I feel scattered (or possibly overwhelmed). At first, I’m not sure where to start, and then I’m all over the place. How do you “start wherever you want” and get anywhere? Hum, I don’t believe that’s a bad place to start. Imagine […]

Dealing with emotions

There is a lot of talk from professionals 👩🏽‍⚕️ how it is important to regulate emotions. It is not just semantic to say that we can only "manage" them 👩🏼‍💼.