Welcome to ND UK

We are neurodivergentnon-binaryplural, and with a long history of adverse childhood experiences. Yay 👏

We Encourage, Enable, and Empower! people like us enjoy the present. Get in touch. WhatsApp Button Small

Visit our partner site on Medical Gaslightingand the Health Ombudsman in Waltham Forest

Examples of functional blending

Functional blending of alters and selves can be managed well in a reasonably stable system. Read some tips from one of our hosts

The struggle is real

I probably shouldn’t post anything. I am one of the Dark Ones, and I guess a trigger warning is appropriate. I don’t really mind the others, actually I love them, and they love me, it’s good, it’s the first time that I found people who love me. But yeah, the struggle is real … remembering […]

Assessing our evolution (Feb 2024)

Since discovering being plural, how has our system evolved along the way? Self-analysis and brutal honesty are always essential to progress. A bitter truth is better than a sweet lie!

ND Review: Adverse childhood experiences

ACE Tests are old, American, and give very limited scenarios where they expect certain types of abuse of occur. Read the ND Review for an overview.

Medical trauma AI Art

Sorry they are a bit dark, it is inspired by Medical Trauma after all ... we have had some bad experiences in the past few years ...

How to work with Trauma survivors

We looked at how double empathy can affect the ability to help survivors, especially young people and we provided some pointers.

Discussing trauma in therapy

How do you avoid skimming the surface of every traumatic event in therapy? I feel scattered (or possibly overwhelmed). At first, I’m not sure where to start, and then I’m all over the place. How do you “start wherever you want” and get anywhere? Hum, I don’t believe that’s a bad place to start. Imagine […]

Handling “unexpected” panic attacks?

Panic attacks: I always expect one, yet, they are always unexpected! Here's some tips.

Dealing with shadow work, healing trauma, and the emotional lash outs

Balance between physical and non-physical realities supply body, mind, heart, and soul with the nurture and nourishment I need to heal trauma, and occasionally even thrive.

Dealing with emotions

There is a lot of talk from professionals 👩🏽‍⚕️ how it is important to regulate emotions. It is not just semantic to say that we can only "manage" them 👩🏼‍💼.

An ND society. A dream or a possibility?

All minorities have communities that support each other and provide relevant goods and services. We too can have a community by us for us. ♾️

Anger – quick daily fix with music

I am going to share a music self-therapy 🎶 quickfix tip for the day-to-day angry feeling we may get when someone jumps the queue, or is rude, or insensitive 😡

Self-therapy: Introduction

I will use the self-therapy tag to share tips and tricks that I learnt or that others have shared to self-love, achieve joy, and let go of anger. All, in the spirit of "just saying ..." aka "I call it as I see it!" 😐